USE our proven CHEMISTRY, KEEP your own brand!
Looking to gain an edge over your competitors? Generate a profitable revenue stream by offering your own line of car wash chemicals.

Transchem’s Private Label Program makes launching your own brand easy
Our private label program provides customers an opportunity to put their branding on our products. You can go to market confident that your products contain the highest quality ingredients and are tested and compliant with regulations.
Eliminate the time and costs required for research, development, testing and production.
We supply your team with SDS documents, tech data sheets and labels with your branding, so you can start your brand with confidence.


Benefit from our production facilities and experienced staff. We take care of the entire production process. From purchasing raw materials and labeling the product to QA testing and shipping.

With private label products, your minimum order quantity is less than it would be with custom products. This means less cash is tied up in inventory. We print labels in-house to keep your cost and risk to a minimum.

If you are looking to price match, private label products are an excellent solution. You can still be competitive at full price, even when your competition puts the branded version on sale.

Choose from over 45 trusted and proven product formulations. Simply select, test, and build your product line in weeks without the long lead times involved with research and development or field testing.

Make bigger margins with your private label line. You pay for the product, not the brand. This allows you to sell your product line at the same or lower price as a comparable branded product.

With a reliable and ready-made product line, all you need to do is build a brand. We have worked with over 50 companies to provide marketing guidance for their brands and launch them to market.

Transchem Group’s 45 years of industry experience help simplify and expedite the launch of your brand. We cover all the steps to establish your brand. From business development to product selection, graphic design, testing, and manufacturing.

We take pride in using the best raw ingredients to formulate high-quality cleaning products. Our private label products are quality control tested after each production run, giving you peace of mind.

Our support team brings hands-on technical knowledge and chemical sales experience to your business. After launch, your business will have continued access to our team to answer any questions.

Launching with the right tools is critical to generating brand awareness and interest. Our in-house creative team can assist you in designing and branding your product line as well as creating support materials for your business.

Transchem Group has staff sign confidentiality agreements to ensure that customer information is protected. Building trust and valuable long-term relationships with our clients is important to our growth and success.
Our team at ASI finds the product quality and customer experience second to none with Transchem Group products.
Not only do the products exceed expectations, but the customer service and support is fantastic. Our customers enjoy the brand recognition and marketing support and we enjoy working with a family owned business that cares about their customers.

Jeremy Dohm,
President at ASI